March Astrological Energies
March is most definitely, without a doubt the most important month astrologically for 2023. There is not much happening the first week of March. 2nd Week of March: Saturn moves into Pisces and a Full Moon in Virgo (Pisces opposite sign). Anchoring in the Piscean energy. Saturn will spend the rest of 2023 in the sign of Pisces. What does that mean for the Collective when it comes to rules and responsibility? I think that you will definitely begin to see more religious conversations. In February you already saw that there are conversations about Satan being present at the Grammy's. There will be more conversations like that happening. There will be talks about spiritual warfare. The battle between the light and the dark. 3rd Week of March: There will most likely be something big on the news at this time. There will be confusion about what is being reported OR false reporting on purpose. Planets that create conversations between each other this week are....