New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries - April 20, 2023

This is the second New Moon that we are having in the sign of Aries. Aries in itself represents beginnings because it is the first sign of the zodiac. The last New Moon was at 0 degrees of Aries so that zero point is about beginnings also. This New Moon is at 29 of Aries a critical degree in Astrology and is a Solar Eclipse. So the power here is strong. 

Keywords for Aries: drive, motivation, determination, anger, aggression, strength, pioneering. 

Mars and Venus Out of Bounds!

Mars has been out of bounds for quite a while now but with this Eclipse Venus has joined in on the shenanigans to keep Mars company. Any planet that is out of bounds acts in a way that is more extreme than it would usually act. With Mars, ruling of this Eclipse, it may be a little bit harder to control than ever. Mars and Venus are also known as the relationship planets, so you may notice changes or problems in your relationships. A lot depends on what these two planets are doing in your chart. With Mars out of Bounds it is very important that you find a healthy outlet for pent up energy.

Venus out of Bounds is a sign to push your artistic side, and/or get a different perspective on a relationship that needs to change or end. You may become aware of your true desires during this time and even more aware of the social constructs that seemingly keep you from accomplishing them. During this phase watch your desire to spend money. 

Keywords for this New Moon/Solar Eclipse: heat, fire, war, accidents, crime, controversies, police, military, heroes, athletics, energy, passion, starting new things. 

Conversations the Moon is having with other planets: 

Pluto: Emotional intensity is high with this combination. It is even more extreme because the Moon and Pluto are in very deep and intense conversation over this energy. It is very strong during this eclipse. So you are being asked to do your best to control your emotions. Find an outlet and whatever chooses to come up, let it. This is Pluto and Pluto can get dark quickly. 

Saturn: This is a great energy in which to create balance with your own needs and the responsibility you have to other people. 

Jupiter: You can enjoy adventure. What would you like to do or build that causes excitement?

This is a an Eclipse that occurs on the North Lunar Node and so with the 29 degree it represents an ending but being on the Node AND being a Solar Eclipse it represents new cycles, new energy, and a new way of being. 

Eclipse energy doesn't necessarily happen quickly, usually it's energy is spanned out over 6 months. Something of importance can happen within that 6 months or it is a slow release type of energy. 

There is a Fixed Star that happens near this New Moon which is Mirach: In Harmony to be Receptive. 

So how do you keep your harmony and cool among chaos and mess? How do you keep it amid uncertainty? 

There is a place of power within this eclipse involving the Moon/Sun/Jupiter. Jupiter will make the Eclipse energy bigger than ever. Jupiter is also the sign of religion and now that Saturn is in Pisces it will be interesting to see if any religious news come up in some form. 

Planets in Deep conversation during this Eclipse

Saturn sextile North Node: create your own opportunities

Sun square Pluto: This can be explosive energy. Again this is yet another warning to watch your emotions. 

Moon square Pluto: I already wrote a little bit about this above but mainly. Watch your emotions. They will be intense. Do not allow them to take you to a dark place. 

Interestingly enough the Sun will move out of the sign of Aries 4 hours after this New Moon/ Eclipse and into the strong and stable sign of Taurus. Hopefully this doesn't lend a precursor to large earthquakes but it is very possible. 

The very next day after the Eclipse Mercury goes Retrograade for the first time this year. It will go Retrograde in the sign of Taurus. 


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