First New Moon of 2023!

 The first New Moon of 2023 just happens to be a Super Moon. Which means that it is closer to the earth. When it is closer to the earth it's influence can be felt that much more. This is a great time to really set those goals for the year or the quarter. It is time to just do it! Stop making excuses and get started. 

The date of the New Moon is Jan. 21 and occurs in the sign of Aquarius. 

Aquarian Energy

Aquarius energy is more concerned with humanity as a whole, it is a great time to exchange ideas with others, Aquarius is connected with group dynamics, and can sometimes lend to the energy of rebellion and revolution, Aquarius wants creative freedom of expression. 

Venus conjunct Saturn: If you have been feeling sad, blue, out of sorts or lonely. Don't hesitate to reach out to those you love or your friends. There is no need to go through this type of energy alone. 

Aspects of the Moon 

New Moon sextiles Jupiter: Take this time to be generous and kind to others. Especially if you have been feeling out of sorts yourself. Focus your energy on how you can serve others and watch the energy change around you. 

New Moon conjunct Pluto: We have the Sun, Moon, and Pluto all sitting around the same table for this New Moon. Pluto is telling you that there is transformation coming. The Moon and Pluto together can lead to some extremely intense emotions. You are not interested in what is on the surface but want to delve deeper. 

 Pluto is still in the sign of Capricorn but will move into Aquarius in March. It takes Pluto anywhere from 15 - 30 years in a sign approximately,  so this is a big change and shift in energy. Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn for approx. 15 and a half years and will now spend around 19 and a half years in Aquarius. 

We have an exact conversation occurring between Mercury and Mars. Mars and Mercury are now direct but they are in their post shadow periods. Mars is in the sign of Gemini and is absolutely miserable that it is sitting still. Anxiety is high and it just wants to get moving forward out of this energy.  The aspect between them is not an easy one to deal with. It feels like you have too many ideas on the go, too many options, or too many irons in the fire. You need to figure out what is a priority and go forward with that. With Mercury in Capricorn you are being asked to be mature and an adult in your communications with others. 

~ Nicole 


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