Mercury Retrograde - April 21, 2023
Welcome to the first Mercury Retrograde of 2023! Mercury Retrograde really does get a bad rap. Ever since it has hit the mainstream, Mercury can't seem to catch a break. Mercury Retrograde occurs on April 21, 2023 the day after the Solar Eclipse in Aries. So, let's get it out of the way. Things that you should avoid, if possible, during a Mercury Retrograde. I find that this more or less occurs on the days when Mercury retrogrades (April 21st) or when it goes Direct again which happens May 14. Mercury is known for communication mishaps. You may have car trouble or break downs, the same applies with electronics and technology such as computers. You may notice more news about planes as Mercury also rules over things like planes and transportation. If you are able, try to avoid signing any important papers (if not, that's fine too, you may just have to go over something again). That is basically what Mercury Retrograde will do, make you do something again. In theory...