
Showing posts from April, 2023

Mercury Retrograde - April 21, 2023

Welcome to the first Mercury Retrograde of 2023!  Mercury Retrograde really does get a bad rap. Ever since it has hit the mainstream, Mercury can't seem to catch a break.  Mercury Retrograde occurs on April 21, 2023 the day after the Solar Eclipse in Aries.  So, let's get it out of the way. Things that you should avoid, if possible, during a Mercury Retrograde. I find that this more or less occurs on the days when Mercury retrogrades (April 21st) or when it goes Direct again which happens May 14.  Mercury is known for communication mishaps. You may have car trouble or break downs, the same applies with electronics and technology such as computers. You may notice more news about planes as Mercury also rules over things like planes and transportation. If you are able, try to avoid signing any important papers (if not, that's fine too, you may just have to go over something again). That is basically what Mercury Retrograde will do, make you do something again. In theory...

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries - April 20, 2023

This is the second New Moon that we are having in the sign of Aries . Aries in itself represents beginnings because it is the first sign of the zodiac. The last New Moon was at 0 degrees of Aries so that zero point is about beginnings also. This New Moon is at 29 of Aries a critical degree in Astrology and is a Solar Eclipse. So the power here is strong.  Keywords for Aries : drive, motivation, determination, anger, aggression, strength, pioneering.  Mars and Venus Out of Bounds! Mars has been out of bounds for quite a while now but with this Eclipse Venus has joined in on the shenanigans to keep Mars company. Any planet that is out of bounds acts in a way that is more extreme than it would usually act. With Mars, ruling of this Eclipse, it may be a little bit harder to control than ever. Mars and Venus are also known as the relationship planets, so you may notice changes or problems in your relationships. A lot depends on what these two planets are doing in your chart. With...

Full Moon in Libra April 6 - True Healing Can Happen Now

Full Moon at 16 degrees of Libra on April 6, 2023 at 12:34am A full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are opposite each other in the chart. Which means that you need to find a way to bring a balance between the two energies that they represent. This month we are dealing with the Libra/Aries axis. This is the We vs. Me , Co-operating vs. Fighting , Relationships vs. Independence.  Mars is still Out of Bounds for this Full Moon. I think this may be the last full moon where that happens, Mars is finally going to get back in line.  Sun/Jupiter/Chiron: The Sun is highlighting our inner wounds with Chiron. Jupiter is making the wound bigger as well as giving us the ability to mend with the healing power of the Sun here. The Full Moon is encouraging us to really release what is no longer needed. It causes issues in the body and the mind. It is not yours to carry anymore. Let it go!  Moon Aspects: Moon Opposing Chiron: There is a deep emotional pain. It is time for that pain to r...