Mercury Retrograde - April 21, 2023

Welcome to the first Mercury Retrograde of 2023! 

Mercury Retrograde really does get a bad rap. Ever since it has hit the mainstream, Mercury can't seem to catch a break. 

Mercury Retrograde occurs on April 21, 2023 the day after the Solar Eclipse in Aries. 

So, let's get it out of the way. Things that you should avoid, if possible, during a Mercury Retrograde. I find that this more or less occurs on the days when Mercury retrogrades (April 21st) or when it goes Direct again which happens May 14. 

Mercury is known for communication mishaps. You may have car trouble or break downs, the same applies with electronics and technology such as computers. You may notice more news about planes as Mercury also rules over things like planes and transportation. If you are able, try to avoid signing any important papers (if not, that's fine too, you may just have to go over something again). That is basically what Mercury Retrograde will do, make you do something again. In theory Mercury gets such a bad rap because of things that we generally experience as minor inconveniences. Maybe Mercury is teaching us how to be a little bit more patient. 

So what is Mercury Retrograde good for? Well I know a few people especially those with a Gemini mind who love Mercury Retrogrades. They find that the inner chatter quiets down enough to grant them some peace and clear thinking.  More than ever though Mercury Retrograde is great for going over things, re-viewing, re-flecting, re-doing. It is a wonderful time to go over things that you have already started. 

Some may ask why we feel Retrogrades so strongly? Simply put the energy of the planet is stronger during a retrograde because the planet is closer to the earth. 

You can see what you will be going over during this Mercury Retrograde by noticing what occurs for you between the dates of April 7-21, 2023. This is known as the pre-shadow period and usually the energy of the Retrograde is present during that time. 

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus: 

Re-Think (retrograde word)  what really matters to you (Taurus). If it is something you no longer have it won't take much to bring it back to you.  

Earning a living that is in line with your values. Great time to get yourself back on track. 

Things you can do during this Retrograde:

* Re-View finances, pay off debts. 

* Spend time Re-viewing and pondering your true values in nature. 

* Physical sensations can have a positive impact, maybe consider a message or something like that.

Do not get too comfortable and become ok with being lazy. 

Patience and Loyalty to yourself and others is key. 


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