Full Moon in Capricorn - July 3, 2023

 The Full Moon occurs at 11 degrees of Capricorn at 7:38 am

A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are opposite each other in the chart. Which means that you need to find a way to bring a balance between the two energies that they represent. This month we are dealing with the Cancer/Capricorn axis. This is the Family vs. Career / Private life vs. Public life / Family vs. The State. 

This Full Moon has the planet Mercury and the Moon out of bounds. We may see issues with communication, especially surrounding emotions. Emotions tend to go off the rails and you will regret some things that you say if you are not careful. 

YOD: Mars, Pluto, and Neptune involved. 

The Yod is also known as the "Finger of God". There is a special mission or energy present, however, executing it will not be easy. With a Yod none of the energies work together. It is like the pressure that eventually creates a diamond. The planets involved don't make this aspect pattern any easier, we have Mars, Neptune, and Pluto. 

All of the energy gathering together with Mars is super intense. Especially because we have the rebirth energy of Pluto along with the disillusionment of Neptune. Venus is conjunct the Focal point so this shows the need for the male and female energies to work together instead of being at odds. 

Mars/Pluto: Very very intense energy! People are not sure how to navigate it. 

Mars/Neptune: Lack the ability to see reality as it really is. Hold back the need to exaggerate. 

Neptune/Pluto: Time for social change. Changes in government are occurring or needed badly. Need a new approach to human rights. The leaving of the current system and how it works. 

Moon Aspects

Moon Oppose Mercury: This conversation between these two plantes doesn't help the fact that they are both out of bounds. Be very careful about arguments. Are they worth it? Is there a way that you can communicate your ideas or point without being misunderstood or without letting your emotions get the best of you? 

Moon Trine Jupiter:  Make adventurous plans. Being around others is helpful, especially if they are like-minded. Being around people on the same wave-length as you will most likely help you with your goals and plans if you ask them. 

Moon Sextile Saturn: There is a need to find a balance between the duty to others and your personal needs. This is an opportunity to build. 

Other important Planetary conversations

Sun Conjunct Mercury: There is a need for communication. The need to learn, think, and talk is strong. You want to get out some of the things that you have been holding inside. Make sure you do it in a way that you will be heard without hurting another's feelings if possible. 

Venus square Uranus: Restless energy. If anyone tries to control you in any fashion you see it as an attack on your freedom of self-expression. 

Pluto square North Node: Transformation, evolution, and changes are occurring. You may continue to see a shift and change occurring in the monetary system. 


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