Full Super Moon in Aries - Harvest Moon


Welcome to the Full Moon in Aries, the last Super Moon of 2023. This one has a lot of people anxious and on edge. This moon is creating a lot of insomnia. 

It is called the Harvest Moon because it is the very first Full Moon that occurs after the Autumn Equinox. This is the time to collect your harvest that you have worked so hard for in the summer months and begin to prepare to survive the winter. It closes out the energies of summer and brings us fully into Fall. 

This is the last Full Moon before we jump into Eclipse Season next month. 

Aries is all about new beginnings and things may not look how you were expecting them to. The opposite sign of Aries is Libra and there is a focus on relationships with others. Is there healing that needs to take place? With Chiron close to the North Node in Aries the collective purpose is going through a healing, will you use the energy of Aries to stand up? 

Venus and Uranus are having a very in depth conversation this Full Moon. You are being asked to tap into your intuition and follow it's guidance. 

Mars is the Ruler of this Full Moon and this may be why people are feeling a little on edge. Mars is the planet of war and violence but also the planet of courage, energy, and passion. Is there something you have been wanting to do? This Full Moon may be illuminating it for you so that you can gather your courage, let go of your fear and just do it. 

Mars isn't having the easiest conversations with the planets Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto this Full Moon which can also add to the edgy energy that can be felt. When Uranus and Mars create an energy of discord we can be sure that we will get some kind of weird, surprising or shocking news. 

Neptune can represent media, and with a hard aspect to mars I would be taking a second look and what you are seeing there. Then of course we have Pluto and Mars, this can actually cause some kind of rebirth or transformation that happens for us in a less than ideal way. 

The anxiety, the possible anger, the lack of sleep are all pointing to the fact that there is deep healing that needs to take place. This Full Moon is in the same sign as Chiron (which is known as the wounded healer). Do not ignore what is coming up for healing. Chiron is also sitting with the North Node which means that your purpose is asking you to take those uncomfortable feelings and sit with them. It is very easy to want to distract yourself when the uncomfortable feelings come up. Instead sit with them, acknowledge where they are coming from and let them go. You do not need to carry that around with you anymore. 

There is also the Finger of god pattern formed during this Full Moon with Mars as the Focal point. Which is giving even more energy to this planet. This pattern causes irritation. What is the best way to deal with it? Get physical in a productive manner or else you may find the energy builds up and comes out in a way that you don't want. 



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